Our Protection Dogs

We breed, raise and train stable, intelligent, loyal protectors that respond with calculated force to both human and environmental threats. True integrated security while you enjoy the pleasures of everyday life.

We pride ourselves on our dogs real world capabilities, building their foundation on handler communication, patience and each dog's natural working ability, creating a far more intrinsic K9 team. 

We choose to take our time in training. Custom training each dog to fit seamlessly into its new life, and exposing them to every possible encounter imaginable, so whether placed in your home or working on duty, our dogs have seen it, dealt with it and moved on.

We breed only once a year with most pups going under contract weeks after they are born. With our training process taking up to two years, you will be as much a part of their training as you’d like to be. It’s interesting to see attributes of the pup you knew turn into the killer instincts of your adult protection dog.

Our owner selection process is strict and pre-approval must be met to waitlist for an upcoming litter.


Jungle Pups

Our pups spend their days exploring and playing. There’s no better way for them to learn at this age.


Measured Teamwork

Our dogs learn the movement of one need not effect the stability of the whole… choose your move wisely.


Intelligent Fighters

Our dogs possess a sage-like intellect and integrity that comes through in both their work and companionship.


Environmental Exposure

We work our dogs through stress and environmental anomalies, honing their instinctual awareness.


Everyday Carry

By your side ready to protect in a split second, either on command or in response to aggression.


Focused Intent

With our purpose driven training, our dogs move with confidence throughout the world.